Monday, October 31, 2011


Modern day Digital Cameras, such as the GE X5 and its younger sibling, the GE X500, are run by software pre-installed by the manufacturer at the factory. These software, usually referred to as 'firmware,' are in charge (together with the camera's 'hardware' component) of most of the functions the camera is capable of.

After the camera is packaged and sold, any improvements (or fixes with software "bugs") that the manufacturer may have on the pre-installed software is optionally offered, usually free of charge, as firmware upgrades, to the specific models affected.

These upgrades are, normally, not required, but does add better functionality to certain camera features or functions, most especially if there were "bugs" (certain defects) with the previous version software that may have been overlooked, during product development.

Except in the case of software fixes, there is usually nothing "wrong" with the pre-installed camera software, and these would function, satisfactorily, as claimed and advertised, even without any (further) upgrades.

It may also be worth noting that these firmware upgrades are model specific, and should not be installed in camera brands or models they are not specifically designed or intended for.


A great majority of new GE X5 and X500 users would almost always experience some sort of 'trouble' (though unknowingly) related to memory cards, after making their purchase. Common complaints range from the camera being "unable to read" the recorded image/video files, memory card errors, to the camera 'freezing-up' while normally operating the camera and when using the zoom, the owner being unable to turn it off or use any of the controls, except to open the battery compartment door to forcibly cut off power, and re-start the camera, anew.

This sort of thing happens, and most GE X5 and X500 owners experience this, at a time or two. It is quite reassuring, though, to learn that this not a malfunction or defect connected with the camera, itself, but with the memory card, inserted in it. 

It has been learned, from experience, that certain SD Cards just doesn't seem to function, without issues, with the GE X5 / X500. Some Transcend 4GB SDHC Class 2 Memory Cards (which commonly comes free, with the camera purchase) seem to work fine, but some do not. PQI brand SD Cards have also been stated by some internet forums to have been having issues with the GE X5 and X500, so it would be best to avoid them. 

We have acquired information regarding the possibility of having had a "bad lot" (batch) of SD Cards being delivered and distributed, with the camera, as a freebie. It seems that there are, indeed, plentiful of no-name, no-brand generic memory cards being passed of as a genuine product, hence, the poor performance.

To prevent / avoid potential problems, first, it is recommended by the manufacturer to FORMAT the memory card with the camera's on-board format facility, prior to first use. Secondly, it is also recommended that recorded images / videos be COPIED onto your computer's hard disk drive, prior to editing, and to avoid modifying the memory card contents, in any way, with your computer. 

Finally, it would be advisable to stick with only well known, good quality brands, such as Transcend, SanDisk, Kingston, or TDK Memory Cards with high speed ratings of Class 4, Class 6 or Class 10. Higher Class ratings have higher file write / read transfer rates between the camera and the memory card, thus improving on overall performance. 

It would also be proper to ensure that you are getting a genuine product, by purchasing from reputable dealers, and making sure that what you are buying is in a sealed (intact) and genuine product packaging.